Corporate Social Responsibility

Kelda Showers recognises that integrating corporate social responsibility (CSR) aligns with our mission and mirrors our corporate values. Our commitment is to continuously improve our CSR impact, complementing our core business strategy.

Our Principles

  • Environmental and Social Impact: We are dedicated to minimising our environmental footprint and enhancing the benefits of our operations on both the environment and society.
  • Business Integration: CSR considerations are ingrained in all business decisions at Kelda Showers.
  • Legal and Ethical Compliance: We pledge to meet, and where possible exceed, all relevant legislation, regulations, and codes of practice.
  • Continuous Improvement: We commit to an ongoing enhancement of our CSR endeavours, with annual reviews and reporting to measure and boost our performance.

Strategic Pillars of Our Policy

  1. Community Engagement: Kelda Showers aims to enrich the communities where we operate, advocating for water conservation and supporting local initiatives. We empower our employees to utilise their expertise for community betterment.
  2. Employee Experience: We endeavour to create a workplace where every team member feels valued and has the opportunity for professional growth. Kelda Showers invests in continuous learning, diversity, and career development.
  3. Environmental Stewardship: Understanding our environmental impact, we adopt responsible practices to reduce, prevent, and mitigate environmental harm. This responsibility is not only ethical but also integral to our operational efficiency.
  4. Ethical Supply Chain: We maintain the highest standards among our suppliers, rejecting labour exploitation and upholding the rights and dignity of all workers. We are vigilant against forced labour and advocate for fair and ethical trade.

Implementation and Governance

  • Responsibility: The Corporate Responsibility Board Committee, chaired by a designated Non-Executive Director, oversees the implementation of this policy.
  • Employee Involvement: Training and engagement programmes will be established to embed CSR into our corporate culture.
  • Review and Adaptation: This policy will be regularly reviewed and adapted to meet evolving CSR standards and stakeholder expectations.


Through this policy, Kelda Showers pledges to sustain its dedication to CSR, ensuring that our business practices are socially responsible, environmentally conscious, and economically viable, thereby fostering a better future for all stakeholders.